Your details
Visit the DVSA website and start your booking process by entering your name, dob and driving licence number and click 'next'.
Your details Test type
Select your theory test type, either car (category B) or Motorcycle (Category a/p/am) and click 'next'.
Test type English or Welsh
Select the language that you want to take your theory test in and then click 'next'.
English or Welsh Theory test confirmation
Review your the selections you have made and if you're happy to continue with booking your theory test then click 'next'.
Theory test confirmation Support for your test
Theory tests take 60 minutes, but if you need any additional support then tick 'yes' and then click 'next'.
Support for your test Theory test centres
Enter your area and you should now see the theory test centres near you. Select upto 3 and then click 'next'.
Theory test centres Select your preferred test date
On the next screen you should see a calendar, Click the calendar from the month May 2021 and you should see hundreds of available test slots to book, please select one.
Select your preferred test date Select your preferred time slot
Once you have selected your preferred date you should see a popup to select a preferred time slot. Please select one and click 'next' and follow the rest of the instructions and enter payment information. You have now booked your theory test.
Select your preferred time slot